Upload app to the App Store without iPhone? | Without Iphone how to upload app on app store

Yes, we can upload an iOS app to the App Store without an iPhone. While having a real iPhone is useful for testing, Apple provides tools to build, test, and distribute apps entirely from a Mac using Xcode and Apple Developer tools.

In this guide, we’ll go through the entire process—from setting up your Apple Developer account to successfully uploading your app to the App Store—all without using an iPhone.

In the steps below, if everything is already implemented, simply recheck to ensure nothing is missing. Otherwise, you may encounter build error:

Step 1: Set Up an Apple Developer Account

Before you can publish an app, you need to enroll in the Apple Developer Program.

1️⃣ Create an Apple Developer Account

  1. Go to Apple Developer Portal
  2. Click on Account → Sign in with your Apple ID
  3. Enroll in the Apple Developer Program
  4. Pay the $99/year membership fee
  5. Once approved, you’ll have access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles

Step 2: Install Xcode on Your Mac

  1. Open the Mac App Store
  2. Search for Xcode and install it
  3. Open Xcode and sign in with your Apple Developer account
    • Go to XcodeSettingsAccounts
    • Click + (Add Account) and sign in

✅ Now, Xcode is linked to your Apple Developer account.

Step 3: Create an App in App Store Connect

  1. Go to App Store Connect
  2. Click “My Apps”“+”New App
  3. Fill in the details:
    • Platform: iOS
    • Name: Your App’s Name
    • Primary Language: English (or your preferred language)
    • Bundle ID: (This should match your Flutter project’s bundle ID)
    • SKU: A unique identifier (e.g., com.companyname.appname)
    • User Access: Select the team members who can manage the app
  4. Click Create

Step 4: Configure Bundle Identifier in Flutter

Your app’s Bundle Identifier must match what you set in App Store Connect.

  1. Open your Flutter project
  2. Navigate to:



📌 Make sure the bundle ID matches exactly with what you registered in App Store Connect.

Step 5 : Add MAC device in Apple developer Account:

Step 6: Create Certificates and Provisioning Profiles

1️⃣ Generate an App ID

  1. Go to Apple Developer Portal
  2. Navigate to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
  3. Click on Identifiers+ (Add New Identifier)
  4. In Register a new identifier Select – >App IDContinue -> Choose -> App
  5. Enter Bundle ID [ Here bundle Id mean package name like com.abc.app of flutter app ] and Enable Necessary Services (like Push Notifications if needed)
  6. After filled Description and BundleId select -> continue
  7. Click Register

2️⃣ Create a Distribution Certificate

  1. Go to Certificates+ (Add New Certificate)
  2. Select App Store & Ad Hoc
  3. Upload a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) (Generated from Keychain Access)
  4. Download and Install the certificate

3️⃣ Create a Provisioning Profile

  1. Go to Profiles+ (Add New Profile)
  2. Select App Store Distribution
  3. Choose the App ID created earlier
  4. Select the Distribution Certificate
  5. Download and install the profile

4️⃣ Clean and Rebuild the iOS Project

Run the following commands:

flutter clean

rm -rf ios/Pods ios/Podfile.lock

chmod -R 755 ios

xattr -rc ios

flutter pub get

cd ios && pod install --repo-update && cd ..

xcodebuild -workspace Runner.xcworkspace -scheme Runner -allowProvisioningUpdates

flutter build ios --release

Step 6: Build and Archive the App Without an iPhone

  1. Open the iOS project in Xcode
    • ios/Runner.xcworkspace
  2. Select Any iOS Device (instead of an iPhone Simulator)
  3. Go to ProductArchive
  4. Ask for keychain ->enter mac password ->always allow
  5. Once the archive is created, click Distribute App
  6. Choose App Store ConnectUpload

Xcode will now upload your app to App Store Connect!

Step 7: Submit the App for Review

  1. Go to App Store Connect → Select your app
  2. Under TestFlight, confirm the build is uploaded
  3. Go to App Information → Fill in app details (Screenshots, Description, Keywords)
  4. Under Pricing & Availability, set your app price or choose “Free”
  5. Under App Privacy, fill in the required data privacy details
  6. Click Submit for Review

📌 Apple will review your app (usually within 24-48 hours). Once approved, it will be live on the App Store! 🚀

Note: If you still face issues, you can contact us. We can resolve these problems and help you launch your app instantly. 🚀

FAQ: Uploading an iOS App Without an iPhone

1️⃣ Do I Need an iPhone to Upload an App?

No. You can develop, test (on the iOS simulator), and submit an app using only a Mac and Xcode.

2️⃣ Can I Test the App Without an iPhone?

✅ Yes, you can use the iOS Simulator in Xcode. However, for features like push notifications, in-app purchases, or camera access, a real iPhone is required.

3️⃣ Do I Need a Physical Device for Code Signing?

✅ No, you can manually create a provisioning profile in Apple Developer Portal. However, if you’re using automatic signing, Xcode will require a real device to register.

4️⃣ How Long Does App Store Approval Take?

24 to 48 hours for most apps. If rejected, Apple will provide feedback for changes.

5️⃣ Can I Use a Virtual Mac (Hackintosh) to Upload an App?

⚠️ Not recommended. Apple requires apps to be built and signed on a genuine macOS system with a valid Apple Developer ID.

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