Dart Program: Convert a String into an array

String is List of characters using split(”) predefine method of Dart, we can convert String into list of Character or array

void main() {
  String myString = "HelloFlutter!";
  // Convert String to List of Characters
  List<String> charList = myString.split('');

  // Print the result

//In this case Output 
[H, e, l, l, o, F, l, u, t, t, e, r, !]

How to Find length of List in Flutter/Dart

void main() {
  String myString = "Hello, Flutter!";
  // Convert String to List of Characters
  List<String> charList = myString.split('');

  // length of the list
  int length = charList.length;

  // Print the result
  print("Length of the list: $length");

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