MicroPython Vs CircuitPython



PurposeOptimized for microcontrollersSimplified Python for educational and beginners
DevelopmentPrimarily for experienced developersBeginner-friendly development environment
ResourcesDesigned for limited resourcesDesigned for ease of use and simplicity
Memory FootprintReduced memory usageSlightly higher memory usage due to simplicity
Hardware SupportSupports a wide range of hardwareFocused on specific microcontroller platforms
LibrariesLimited built-in librariesExtensive built-in libraries and modules
Language FeaturesSubset of Python syntax and featuresSubset of Python with additional board support
Community SupportActive community and resourcesStrong focus on educational and beginner support
ApplicationsInternet of Things (IoT), embeddedEducation, prototyping, beginners in electronics

Program written in both MicroPython and CircuitPython to blink an LED connected to pin GPIO 13 on an ESP32 board

Program in Python

import machine
import time

# Set up the GPIO pin
led_pin = machine.Pin(13, machine.Pin.OUT)

# Blink the LED
while True:

Program in CircuitPython

import board
import digitalio
import time

# Set up the GPIO pin
led_pin = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D13)
led_pin.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT

# Blink the LED
while True:
    led_pin.value = True
    led_pin.value = False

MicroPython and CircuitPython have similarities, CircuitPython is specifically tailored for educational purposes and simplifying the programing experience, while MicroPython is more flexible and optimized for resource-constrained environments.

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