Firebase/Firebase.h not found | importFirebase/Firebase.h not found

If you’re working with Firebase in a Flutter iOS project, you may encounter errors related to Firebase header imports, especially when managing CocoaPods dependencies.

Fixing Firebase Header Issues in Flutter iOS Project

Step 1: Clean and Reinstall CocoaPods

flutter clean
rm -rf ios/Pods ios/.symlinks ios/Flutter/Flutter.podspec
cd ios
pod deintegrate
pod install --repo-update
cd ..
flutter pub get

Note: if pod install successful than you have to go next step otherwise issue is different
above steps: flutter clean clears cached build files. | rm -rf removes existing CocoaPods files to avoid conflicts. | pod deintegrate resets CocoaPods settings. | pod install --repo-update reinstalls and updates all dependencies.

Step 2: Modify the Podfile for compatibility. At the bottom of the Podfile, comment and add new content.. In our case, we set: platform :ios, ‘14.0’:

#target 'Runner' do
#  use_frameworks!
#  use_modular_headers!
#  flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))
#  target 'RunnerTests' do
#    inherit! :search_paths
#  end


target 'Runner' do
  use_frameworks! :linkage => :static  # Use static linking instead of default dynamic frameworks
   pod 'Firebase/Core', :modular_headers => true
   pod 'Firebase/Messaging', :modular_headers => true
  flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))

  target 'RunnerTests' do
    inherit! :search_paths

Step 3: Verify Firebase imports in the code. Locate the section in the file where the error occurs and replace it with the appropriate libraries :

//#import <Firebase/Firebase.h>

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>
#import <firebase_core/FLTFirebasePlugin.h>
#import <FirebaseMessaging/FIRMessaging.h>
//#import <Firebase/Firebase.h>

Step 4: Open Xcode and Check Build Settings

Now open ios/Runner.xcworkspace. in Xcode

Step 5: In Xcode top menu Product then clean build folder and clear all issues then build > for testing

Conclusion: By following these steps, you can successfully fix Firebase header issues in a Flutter iOS project.

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