GetX Tutorial | Flutter GetX Tutorial

getx in flutter

GetX Tutorial Part I

Introduction to GetX

GetX is a powerful state management library for Flutter that provides a simple, intuitive, and efficient way to manage state in your Flutter applications. It offers features like reactive programming, dependency injection, routing, and much more. GetX is known for its performance and simplicity, making it a popular choice among Flutter developers.


To use GetX in your Flutter project, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file: How to setup GetX in Flutter

  get: ^4.1.4. # you can use latest version

Then, run the flutter pub get command to fetch the package.

Getting Started

To start using GetX, you’ll typically follow these steps:

Import the GetX package in your Dart file:

           import 'package:get/get.dart';

Create a controller class that extends GetxController. This controller will hold your application state and business logic. For example:

            class MyController extends GetxController { 
             // State and methods [ mention all methods logics]

Use Get.put() to bind the controller to the desired scope, such as a widget or screen. For example:

          class MyScreen extends StatelessWidget{ 

          final MyController myController=Get.put(MyController()); // use to fetch data
          Widget build(BuildContext context) 
          { // Widget tree using myController } 

Access the controller using Get.find() or Get.put() in child widgets or screens to retrieve the controller instance and use its state or methods.

Reactive State Management

GetX provides reactive state management, allowing your widgets to automatically update when the state changes. This is achieved using observable variables (Rx classes) and the Obx widget.

Create an observable variable inside your controller using the Rx class. For example:

     RxInt count = 0.obs; 

Wrap your widget with the Obx widget and pass a callback that depends on the observable variable. For example:

     Obx(() => Text('Count: ${myController.count.value}')), 

Now, whenever the count variable changes, the Obx widget will automatically rebuild and reflect the updated value.

Update the observable variable using the .value property. For example:


This will trigger the rebuild of the associated Obx widget.

Dependency Injection

GetX provides a powerful dependency injection mechanism, allowing you to easily manage your dependencies and access them across your application.

Register your dependencies in the main method using Get.put() or Get.lazyPut(). For example:

void main() {

Access the registered dependency using Get.find() in your controllers or widgets. For example:

class MyController extends GetxController {
  final MyDependency myDependency = Get.find();
  // Use myDependency in your controller

Now, you can access the dependency instance wherever needed, and GetX will handle the lifecycle and scoping of the dependency.

Routing and Navigation

GetX simplifies routing and navigation in Flutter applications with its built-in routing system.

Define your routes using GetPage and GetMaterialApp. For example:

final routes = [
  GetPage(name: '/', page: () => HomePage()),
  GetPage(name: '/details', page: () => DetailsPage()),

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return GetMaterialApp(
      title: 'My App',
      initialRoute: '/',
      getPages: routes,

Navigate to a new screen using or For example:

// Navigate to the DetailsPage

// Navigate to the DetailsPage and remove all previous routes

Access route parameters using Get.parameters inside the destination screen. For example:

class DetailsPage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final id = Get.parameters['id'];

    // Use the id parameter in your screen

GetX provides a powerful and flexible routing system with features like named routes, parameter passing, route transitions, and more.

Additional Features

GetX offers several additional features that can enhance your Flutter development experience:

  • Dialogs: GetX provides an easy way to show dialogs using the Get.dialog() method. You can show custom dialogs or use predefined dialog types like AlertDialog, BottomSheet, etc.
  • Snackbar: You can show snackbar messages using Get.snackbar(). It allows you to display informative messages, success alerts, or error notifications with ease.
  • Internationalization: GetX includes localization support with the Get.locale and Get.translations APIs. It simplifies the process of adding multi-language support to your app.
  • Workers: Workers are background processes that run independently of the UI. You can use them for tasks like fetching data, processing images, or performing any other async operation.
  • Debounce and Throttle: GetX provides built-in debounce and throttle mechanisms for handling user input or triggering actions at specific intervals. This can be useful in scenarios like search suggestions or rate-limited API requests.

GetX offers a comprehensive set of features that make Flutter development faster, more efficient, and more enjoyable. It promotes clean architecture, separation of concerns, and a reactive programming paradigm.


In this tutorial, you’ve learned the basics of GetX and explored its key features. You now have a solid foundation to start using GetX for state management, dependency injection, routing, and more in your Flutter applications. GetX is a powerful and flexible library that can greatly simplify your Flutter development workflow and improve the performance of your apps.

Other Article:-

GetX Tutorial Part II

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