Null value in Flutter
Null value occurs in different ways in flutter, sometimes null value is not controlled in production which causes grey screen and sometimes null value occurs in API response and many more reasons, To deal with this, we have added three ways through which you can handle it.
1. Tertiary operator
Text (nameOfEmployee!=null? nameOfEmployee: "")
#Here in this case nameOfEmployee sometime value is null,To handle this we can use tertiary operator
2.Empty Widget
//This will hide Grey screen if null occur
nameOfEmployee!=null ? Text (nameOfEmployee):
child: EmptyWidget(
// Image from project assets
image: "assets/images/im_emptyIcon_1.png",//Any image
/// Image from package assets
/// Uncomment below line to use package assets
packageImage: PackageImage.Image_1,
title: 'No Notification',
subTitle: 'No notification available yet',
titleTextStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 22,
color: Color(0xff9da9c7),
fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
subtitleTextStyle: TextStyle(
fontSize: 14,
color: Color(0xffabb8d6),
// Uncomment below statement to hide background
// hideBackgroundAnimation: true,
3 if null | Double Operator ??
Text (nameOfEmployee ?? "Nothing") # in this if nameOfEmployee =null then automatically Text widget display Nothing