startup guidance

As a startup, how do you prioritize sustainability and social responsibility in your approach? 

There is some general guidance for startups looking to incorporate sustainability and social responsibility into their operations. Incorporating sustainability and social responsibility into your startup’s operations can have long-term benefits, such as enhancing your brand reputation, attracting and retaining employees and customers who value these issues, and contributing to a more sustainable and equitable society.

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startup guidance by researchthinker

What is White labelling ?

White labeling, also known as private labeling, is a process where a company creates a product or service and allows another company to brand and sell it as their own. In other words, white labeling allows a company to purchase and rebrand a product or service that has already been developed and manufactured by another…

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tips for patent

Steps to write a patent

Let’s go through the steps of writing a patent application using an example: Example Invention: A new type of solar panel that increases energy efficiency by using specialized reflective coatings. Step 1: Understand the Invention Thoroughly understand the unique features and advantages of your invention. For example, in our case, the invention involves a solar…

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tips for patent

Patentability vs Freedom to Operate

Criteria Patentability Freedom to Operate (FTO) Definition The potential of an invention to meet patent criteria. The ability to operate in a particular market without infringing existing patents or intellectual property rights. Focus Determines if an invention is eligible for a patent. Ensures that a product or process does not infringe on existing patents held…

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startup guidance by researchthinker

Freelancer vs Upwork vs Fiverr | Fiverr: A Beginner-Friendly Platform for Freelancers

Feature Freelancer Upwork Fiverr Platform Type Online freelancing marketplace Online freelancing marketplace Online freelancing marketplace Size and Reach Large global user base Large global user base Large global user base Project Types Wide range of project categories Wide range of project categories Wide range of project categories Registration and Membership Free registration and membership Free…

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startup guidance by researchthinker

Common Causes of Startup Failure

These are common reasons that mostly found in startups 1. Lack of Market Demand: Building a product or service without sufficient market demand is a major reason for startup failure. Ignoring market research, not addressing a significant problem, or failing to differentiate from competitors can lead to a lack of customer adoption. 2. Insufficient Funding:…

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startup guidance by researchthinker

Common Challenges and Successes of Electronics/Hardware Startups

Hardware startups can be more challenging than software startups because of the additional complexity involved in designing, manufacturing, and distributing physical products. Here are some reasons why hardware startups may fail and some succeed: Why hardware startups may succeed ? Overall, hardware startups can be more challenging than software startups, but with the right resources,…

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