Top 50 Electronic components that IoT beginner must know about

esp32 vs  esp8266 vs  esp12E vs esp12F

For IoT beginners, below are 50 essential electronic components one must know

  1. Arduino Uno or NodeMCU ESP8266
  2. Breadboard
  3. Jumper wires
  4. LEDs (various colors)
  5. Resistors (assorted values)
  6. Capacitors (assorted values)
  7. Pushbuttons
  8. Potentiometers
  9. Photoresistors (LDRs)
  10. Buzzer
  11. Temperature sensor (e.g., LM35 or DS18B20)
  12. Humidity sensor (e.g., DHT11 or DHT22)
  13. Light sensor (e.g., LDR or TSL2561)
  14. Motion sensor (e.g., PIR sensor)
  15. IR receiver and IR remote
  16. Ultrasonic distance sensor (e.g., HC-SR04)
  17. Servo motor
  18. DC motor
  19. Stepper motor
  20. Motor driver (e.g., L293D)
  21. Relay module
  22. Shift registers (e.g., 74HC595)
  23. Real-time clock module (RTC)
  24. LCD display (16×2 or 20×4)
  25. OLED display
  26. RFID reader module
  27. NFC module
  28. Bluetooth module (e.g., HC-05 or HC-06)
  29. Wi-Fi module (e.g., ESP8266 or ESP32)
  30. GSM module (e.g., SIM800L or SIM900)
  31. GPS module
  32. Accelerometer (e.g., MPU-6050)
  33. Gyroscope
  34. Magnetometer
  35. Pressure sensor (e.g., BMP180 or BMP280)
  36. Gas sensor (e.g., MQ-2 or MQ-135)
  37. Sound sensor (e.g., microphone or sound detection module)
  38. Voltage regulator
  39. Diodes (e.g., 1N4007)
  40. Transistors (e.g., NPN and PNP)
  41. Logic gates (e.g., AND, OR, NOT)
  42. Op-amp (e.g., LM358)
  43. Shift level converter (e.g., 5V to 3.3V or vice versa)
  44. Power supply module
  45. Battery holder
  46. Soldering iron and soldering accessories
  47. Multimeter
  48. Breadboard power supply
  49. Enclosure or project box
  50. Various connectors (e.g., male and female headers, jumper cables, terminal blocks)

This list covers a wide range of components commonly used in IoT projects.

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