Here are 30 best practices to follow while developing a Flutter app:
Keep your code organized and well-structured
Use StatelessWidget for UI elements
Use the StateManagement package(Provider / GetX / Bloc etc) for managing your app’s state
Use widgets like Expanded, Flexible, and LayoutBuilder to build responsive UIs
Proper class name: Example : BottomSheetResearchThinker
Proper dart file name : Example : bottom_sheet_researchthinker
Proper function name: Example: bottomSheetResearchThinker()
Proper pubspec.yaml
file : write dependencies in chronological order [A to Z]
Reduce redundancy, Use common widgets or Custom Widgets
Use exception handling to catch and handle errors
Collect Error Logs for better understanding app flow at user end
Use streams and Futures to handle asynchronous data and operations
Use animations and transitions to create smooth and engaging user experiences.
Use unit testing and integration testing to ensure the stability and quality of your code.
Make & Test Responsiveness of your Screens
Use code reviews and pair programming to catch bugs and improve code quality.
Use version control, such as Git, to manage and track changes to your code.
Use the Flutter inspector to inspect and debug the widget tree and state.
Use the Flutter DevTools to monitor and debug your app in real-time.
Use the Flutter CLI to automate common tasks, such as building and deploying your app.
Well aware about method channel or Platform Channels to integrate with native platforms and access specific functionality.
Use the Flutter Web to build and deploy web applications using the same code as your mobile apps.
Use the Flutter Desktop to build and deploy desktop applications using the same code as your mobile and web apps.
Use the Material Design guidelines and widgets to ensure a consistent and visually appealing user experience.
Use the Cupertino widgets and guidelines to ensure a consistent and visually appealing user experience on iOS devices.
Use the Flutter Layout Cheat Sheet to quickly reference common layout and positioning techniques.
Use the Flutter Outline view to see a visual representation of the widget tree.
Well aware about Flutter Commands to fix issues instantly .