provider in flutter

Provider interview questions

What is the purpose of the Provider package in Flutter? The Provider package is a state management solution in Flutter that helps manage and share application state efficiently between widgets. It simplifies the process of providing and accessing data across the widget tree, enabling a reactive and scalable approach to building Flutter applications. Types of…

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Bloc in Flutter

BLoC interview questions

What is BLoC (Business Logic Component) in Flutter and why is it used? Answer: BLoC is a design pattern in Flutter that separates the business logic from the user interface. It helps in managing the state of an application and facilitates better code organization and reusability. Explain the concept of unidirectional data flow in BLoC….

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flutter researchthinker

Why is BLoC a better option compared to other state management solutions?

BLoC (Business Logic Component) is considered a better option for state management in Flutter due to several reasons: While other state management solutions like Provider, Redux, MobX, and GetX also have their own merits, BLoC provides a good balance between simplicity and scalability. It offers a structured approach to state management and is well-suited for…

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google map vs flutter map

Google Map vs Flutter Map

Comparison between Google Maps and Flutter Maps Google Map, Flutter Map are very popular and useful in both mobile and Android applications, both are compatible and useful in the context of Flutter, you can easily create web, Android applications through either or both of the packages, during implementation Some challenges come up, like live tracking…

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vs code plugins for flutter

20 best plugins in VS code for flutter

Flutter Tutorial: Introduction Flutter Why Flutter About Flutter Cross Platform MVVM vs MVC vs MVP Flutter Framework Flutter Benefits Flutter Comparison I Flutter Comparison II Flutter Comparison III Install Flutter Android studio vs VsCode Android Setup VsCode Setup Vs Code Plugins Android Studio Plugins Flutter Widgets: Flutter Basic Templates Flutter Commands Common Widgets Top 10…

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flutter researchthinker

12 Tips to improve Flutter App | Tips for Flutter App development

Keep your code organized and well-structured Use the StateManagement package(Provider / GetX / Bloc etc) for managing your app’s state Proper class name: Example : BottomSheetResearchThinker Proper dart file name : Example : bottom_sheet_researchthinker Proper function name: Example: bottomSheetResearchThinker() Proper pubspec.yaml file : write dependencies in chronological order [A to Z] Reduce redundancy, Use common widgets…

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flutter vs kivy

Flutter vs Kivy

Comparison between Flutter and Kivy Feature Flutter Kivy Language Dart Python User Interface Native-like, customizable widgets Customizable widgets Cross-platform Yes Yes Performance High Moderate Community Support Large Moderate Documentation Extensive Moderate Learning Curve Moderate Moderate Animation Support Extensive Limited UI Customization High High Development Speed Fast Moderate Native Integration Yes Limited Data Binding Yes Limited…

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