why Flutter is a better option ?
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Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter
Auto Close Keyboard in Flutter
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There are more than 15 reasons to choose Flutter for application development. As Flutter’s growth stabilizes and SDK more upgrades in the upcoming versions, it will become the most popular framework not only for mobile app development but also for web, desktop, game etc. In 2023 Flutter is a best choice for Mobile App development
Following are the 15 reason why flutter is better option:-
Write once, build any type of application(Android/iOS,Web/Desktop ), through Flutter
Fast reloading & refreshing, while building Application using Flutter
Due to open source and more than 20,000 packages, highly customization options available
Flutter SDK gives High Performance Applications
Flutter is open source and more than 85% of the packages are also open source
Flutter communities are growing day by day
Flutter easily access Native Features
Flutter not only cross platform framework but also supports multi language
Flutter applications are easily maintainable, due to less code
Flutter is popular and trusted because the backbone is Google
Flutter packages are so numerous that there are multiple solutions available for a single feature
Number of jobs in Flutter domain also increased in 2023
Client also prefer to choose Flutter over native frameworks
Robust Testing support in Framework
Compatible with all type of Technologies such Google API, Firebase, APIs, Payments Gateway & many more.