Flutter interview questions
What is Flutter?
Flutter is an open-source cross-platform development framework that allows developers to create high-performance and visually attractive apps for iOS and Android platforms, as well as desktop and web applications. It was developed by Google and launched in 2018.
What is Dart?
Dart is an object-oriented, client-optimized programming language used for building mobile, web, and used in flutter framework.
What is the difference between Dart and JavaScript?
Dart is a compiled language, whereas JavaScript is an interpreted language. Dart is statically typed, whereas JavaScript is dynamically typed. Dart has optional typing, whereas JavaScript does not.
What is the difference between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget?
StatelessWidget is used when the UI does not change over time, whereas StatefulWidget is used when the UI changes over time.
What is the difference between hot reload and hot restart?
Hot reload allows developers to update the code while the app is running, without losing the app’s state. Hot restart resets the app’s state and rebuilds the widget tree from scratch.
What is a widget in Flutter?
A widget is a basic building block of a Flutter app that describes the visual elements on the screen.
What is a scaffold widget in Flutter?
The Scaffold widget provides a basic layout structure for a Flutter app, including a Material Design app bar, a floating action button, and a drawer.
What is the difference between mainAxisAlignment and crossAxisAlignment?
The mainAxisAlignment property of a row or column widget controls how the children are aligned vertically, whereas the crossAxisAlignment property controls how the children are aligned horizontally.
What is an InheritedWidget in Flutter?
An InheritedWidget is a widget that contains data that can be accessed by any descendant widget in the widget tree.
What is a Future in Dart?
A Future is a value that is not yet available, but will be available at some point in the future.
What is an async function in Dart?
An async function is a function that can run asynchronously and return a Future object.
What is a stream in Dart?
A stream is a sequence of asynchronous events.
What is a StreamBuilder widget in Flutter?
The StreamBuilder widget is used to build a widget tree based on the data that is being emitted from a stream.
What is a Provider package in Flutter?
The Provider package is a state management solution that provides a way to pass data down the widget tree without having to rebuild the entire tree.
What is the difference between Navigator.push and Navigator.pushReplacement?
Navigator.push adds a new route to the stack, whereas Navigator.pushReplacement replaces the current route with a new route.
What is a key in Flutter?
A key is an identifier that is used to uniquely identify a widget in the widget tree.
What is a GestureDetector widget in Flutter?
The GestureDetector widget is used to detect gestures such as taps, swipes, and long presses.
What is a MediaQuery widget in Flutter?
The MediaQuery widget is used to retrieve information about the device’s screen size and pixel density.
What is an Expanded widget in Flutter?
The Expanded widget is used to fill the available space in a row or column.
What is a Container widget in Flutter?
The Container widget is a generic box that can contain other widgets and has properties such as color, margin, padding, and border.
What is an AspectRatio widget in Flutter?
The AspectRatio widget is used to constrain the aspect ratio of a widget.
What is a Flexible widget in Flutter?
The Flexible widget is used to control how a child widget is stretched to fill the available space.
What is a Wrap widget in Flutter?
The Wrap widget is used to lay out its children in a flow, wrapping them when necessary.
What is a Stack widget
Stack widget is used when we overlap one widget on a other
What is an IntrinsicWidth widget in Flutter?
The IntrinsicWidth widget is used to set the minimum and maximum width of its child based on its intrinsic width.
What is a Hero widget in Flutter?
The Hero widget is used to create a shared animation between two routes.
What is a CircularProgressIndicator widget in Flutter?
The CircularProgressIndicator widget is used to show progress with a circular shape.
What is a LinearProgressIndicator widget in Flutter?
The LinearProgressIndicator widget is used to show progress with a linear shape.
What is an AlertDialog widget in Flutter?
The AlertDialog widget is used to show an alert dialog box with a title, content, and actions.
What is a BottomSheet widget in Flutter?
The BottomSheet widget is used to show a sheet that slides up from the bottom of the screen.
What is a Drawer widget in Flutter?
The Drawer widget is used to show a slide-out navigation menu from the edge of the screen.
What is a PopupMenuButton widget in Flutter?
The PopupMenuButton widget is used to show a pop-up menu when the user taps on it.
What is a DropdownButton widget in Flutter?
The DropdownButton widget is used to show a dropdown list of items when the user taps on it.
What is a Switch widget in Flutter?
The Switch widget is used to show a toggle switch that the user can turn on and off.
What is a TextField widget in Flutter?
The TextField widget is used to get input from the user.
What is a ListView widget in Flutter?
The ListView widget is used to display a scrollable list of items.
What is a GridView widget in Flutter?
The GridView widget is used to display a scrollable grid of items.
What is a TabBar widget in Flutter?
The TabBar widget is used to display a set of tabs that the user can switch between.
What is a PageView widget in Flutter?
The PageView widget is used to display a set of pages that the user can swipe between.
What is a ScrollController in Flutter?
A ScrollController is used to control the position and scrolling of a scrollable widget.
What is a MediaQueryData in Flutter?
A MediaQueryData object contains information about the device’s screen size, orientation, and pixel density.
What is a Theme in Flutter?
A Theme is used to define the visual properties of an app, such as colors, fonts, and shapes.
What is a Material Design in Flutter?
Material Design is a design language developed by Google that is used to create visually attractive and consistent apps across different platforms.
What is a Cupertino Design in Flutter?
Cupertino Design is a design language developed by Apple that is used to create visually attractive and consistent apps across different platforms.
What is a Flutter package?
A Flutter package is a reusable collection of Dart code and assets that can be used in a Flutter project.
What is the difference between a StatelessWidget and a StatefulBuilder?
A StatelessWidget is a widget that does not change over time, whereas a StatefulBuilder is a widget that can rebuild itself when its state changes.
What is a Flutter plugin?
A Flutter plugin is a package that provides access to native platform functionality, such as camera, location, and sensors.
What is a Flutter channel?
A Flutter channel is a release channel that provides a specific version of the Flutter framework, such as stable, beta, or dev.
What is a FutureBuilder widget in Flutter?
The FutureBuilder widget is used to build a widget tree based on the data that is returned by a Future object.
Next Top 50 Flutter interview question
What is a StreamBuilder widget in Flutter?
The StreamBuilder widget is used to build a widget tree based on the data that is emitted by a Stream object.
What is an Expanded widget in Flutter?
The Expanded widget is used to expand a child widget to fill the available space in a row or column.
What is a SizedBox widget in Flutter?
The SizedBox widget is used to create a fixed-size box with a specified width and height.
What is a Flexible widget in Flutter?
The Flexible widget is used to make a child widget flexible by giving it a flexible fraction of the available space.
What is a Positioned widget in Flutter?
The Positioned widget is used to position a child widget relative to its parent.
What is a Wrap widget in Flutter?
The Wrap widget is used to display a set of widgets in a wrapping layout.
What is a FractionallySizedBox widget in Flutter?
The FractionallySizedBox widget is used to create a child widget that has a specified fraction of its parent’s width and height.
What is a FittedBox widget in Flutter?
The FittedBox widget is used to scale a child widget to fit within its parent while maintaining its aspect ratio.
What is a ShaderMask widget in Flutter?
The ShaderMask widget is used to apply a shader to a child widget, such as a gradient or an image.
What is a SizedBox.expand widget in Flutter?
The SizedBox.expand widget is used to create a box that expands to fill the available space.
What is a ClipRect widget in Flutter?
The ClipRect widget is used to clip a child widget to a rectangular shape.
What is a ClipOval widget in Flutter?
The ClipOval widget is used to clip a child widget to a circular shape.
What is a ClipPath widget in Flutter?
The ClipPath widget is used to clip a child widget to a custom shape defined by a Path object.
What is a AnimatedContainer widget in Flutter?
The AnimatedContainer widget is used to animate the properties of a container, such as its size, color, and shape.
What is a Tween in Flutter?
A Tween is used to define the range of values that are used in an animation.
What is a TweenAnimationBuilder widget in Flutter?
The TweenAnimationBuilder widget is used to build an animated widget based on a Tween object.
What is a AnimatedIcon widget in Flutter?
The AnimatedIcon widget is used to animate an icon, such as a menu or a back arrow.
What is a AnimatedOpacity widget in Flutter?
The AnimatedOpacity widget is used to animate the opacity of a child widget.
What is a AnimatedPadding widget in Flutter?
The AnimatedPadding widget is used to animate the padding of a child widget.
What is a AnimatedPositioned widget in Flutter?
The AnimatedPositioned widget is used to animate the position of a child widget.
What is a AnimatedSwitcher widget in Flutter?
The AnimatedSwitcher widget is used to animate the transition between two child widgets.
What is a AnimatedTheme widget in Flutter?
The AnimatedTheme widget is used to animate the theme of an app.
What is a ValueNotifier in Flutter?
A ValueNotifier is used to hold a value that can be observed by other widgets.
What is a ChangeNotifier in Flutter?
A ChangeNotifier is used to hold a value that can be observed by other widgets and to notify them when it changes.
What is a Provider in Flutter?
A Provider is used to manage the state of an app and to provide access to it to other widgets.
What is a InheritedWidget in Flutter?
An InheritedWidget is used to pass down data from a parent widget to its descendants.
What is a GridView widget in Flutter?
The GridView widget is used to display a collection of widgets in a grid layout.
What is a ListView widget in Flutter?
The ListView widget is used to display a collection of widgets in a scrollable list.
What is a Stack widget in Flutter?
The Stack widget is used to display a set of widgets on top of each other, like layers.
What is a ListTile widget in Flutter?
The ListTile widget is used to display a piece of content with an optional leading and trailing icon.
What is a Card widget in Flutter?
The Card widget is used to display a piece of content in a card-shaped container.
What is a Tooltip widget in Flutter?
The Tooltip widget is used to display a short message when the user hovers over a widget.
What is a Dismissible widget in Flutter?
The Dismissible widget is used to dismiss a widget in response to a user gesture, such as swiping.
What is a GestureDetector widget in Flutter?
The GestureDetector widget is used to detect user gestures, such as taps and swipes, on a child widget.
What is a Material Design in Flutter?
Material Design is a design language created by Google that is used to provide a consistent look and feel to apps across different platforms.
What is a Cupertino Design in Flutter?
Cupertino Design is a design language created by Apple that is used to provide a consistent look and feel to apps on iOS.
What is a Platform-Specific Code in Flutter?
Platform-specific code is code that is written specifically for a particular platform, such as Android or iOS.
What is a CupertinoAlertDialog widget in Flutter?
The CupertinoAlertDialog widget is used to display an alert dialog with an iOS-style design.
What is a CupertinoActionSheet widget in Flutter?
The CupertinoActionSheet widget is used to display a set of options with an iOS-style design.
What is a DropdownButton widget in Flutter?
The DropdownButton widget is used to display a dropdown list of options.
What is a BottomNavigationBar widget in Flutter?
The BottomNavigationBar widget is used to display a set of tabs at the bottom of the screen.
What is a TabBar widget in Flutter?
The TabBar widget is used to display a set of tabs at the top of the screen.
What is a CupertinoTabBar widget in Flutter?
The CupertinoTabBar widget is used to display a set of tabs at the bottom of the screen with an iOS-style design.
What is a CupertinoNavigationBar widget in Flutter?
The CupertinoNavigationBar widget is used to display a navigation bar with an iOS-style design.
What is a Drawer widget in Flutter?
The Drawer widget is used to display a navigation drawer that slides in from the side of the screen.
What is a CupertinoPicker widget in Flutter?
The CupertinoPicker widget is used to display a scrolling picker wheel with an iOS-style design.
What is a CupertinoTimerPicker widget in Flutter?
The CupertinoTimerPicker widget is used to display a timer picker with an iOS-style design.
What is a CupertinoDatePicker widget in Flutter?
The CupertinoDatePicker widget is used to display a date picker with an iOS-style design.
What is a CupertinoSegmentedControl widget in Flutter?
The CupertinoSegmentedControl widget is used to display a segmented control with an iOS-style design.