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Tab bar in Flutter | Tab bar example in Flutter
In Flutter, a TabBar is a widget that allows you to create a set of tabs, typically displayed horizontally, which the user can interact with to switch between different content views. It provides a convenient way to organize and navigate between multiple sections or screens within your app. The TabBar widget is often used in…

Code Editor in Flutter
How to implement Code Editor in Flutter Flutter Tutorial Introduction Flutter Cross Platform MVVM vs MVC vs MVP Flutter Framework Flutter Benefits Flutter Comparison Install Flutter in Win/Linux/Mac Android Studio vs VsCode Android Setup VS Code Setup VS Code Plugins Android Studio Plugins Flutter Widgets: Flutter Basic Template Flutter Commands Top 10 Popular widgets Flutter…

Youtube Player in Flutter | Example of Youtube Player in Flutter
Flutter Tutorial: Introduction Flutter Why Flutter About Flutter Cross Platform MVVM vs MVC vs MVP Flutter Framework Flutter Benefits Flutter Comparison I Flutter Comparison II Flutter Comparison III Install Flutter Android studio vs VsCode Android Setup VsCode Setup Vs Code Plugins Android Studio Plugins Flutter Widgets: Flutter Basic Templates Flutter Commands Common Widgets Top 10…

Flutter vs Kotlin vs PhoneGap vs Ionic vs Angular vs Android vs Swift
Features Flutter Kotlin PhoneGap Ionic Angular Android Swift Language Dart Kotlin (Android) HTML, CSS, JavaScript HTML, CSS, JavaScript TypeScript Java (Android) Swift (iOS) User Interface Custom UI widgets Native UI components (XML) HTML, CSS, JavaScript HTML, CSS, JavaScript HTML, CSS, JavaScript Native UI components (XML) Native UI components (Storyboard) Performance High-performance, close to native High-performance…

7 way to reduce Navigator in Flutter app | 7 way to reduce flutter screens
Efficient Navigator Management in Flutter gives better app performance Tabs or Bottom Navigator Bar You can use the TabBar widget along with TabBarView to implement tabs. Each tab represents a different section or view within the same screen. Users can switch between tabs to access different content. Modal Bottom Sheets or Dialogs Instead of navigating…

Most common Widgets in Flutter | Most Popular Widgets in Flutter
Flutter Tutorial: Introduction Flutter Why Flutter About Flutter Cross Platform MVVM vs MVC vs MVP Flutter Framework Flutter Benefits Flutter Comparison I Flutter Comparison II Flutter Comparison III Install Flutter Android studio vs VsCode Android Setup VsCode Setup Vs Code Plugins Android Studio Plugins Flutter Widgets: Flutter Basic Templates Flutter Commands Common Widgets Top 10…

Shimmer in Flutter | How to implement shimmer in Flutter
Shimmer in Flutter Example I To use shimmer feature in your flutter app first add fancy_shimmer_image package in your project flutter pub add fancy_shimmer_image OR add fancy_shimmer_image: in your pubspec.yaml Shimmer in Flutter Example II To use shimmer feature in your flutter app first add shimmer package in your project flutter pub add shimmer OR…

Wrap vs builder vs layoutbuilder vs overbarflow
Wrap, Builder, LayoutBuilder, and OverflowBox widgets in Flutter are very popular, below table show the difference of all Widget Description Example Common Usage Scenarios Wrap Wraps its child widgets and automatically Wrap( children: [ Text(‘Widget 1’), Text(‘Widget 2’) ] ) Creating a responsive layout with dynamic content that wraps to the next line when space…