Databinding in Flutter

Databinding in Flutter

In short: any changes in variables or widgets(like Text), that visible on app screen Data binding in Flutter refers to the mechanism of establishing a connection between the user interface (UI) and the underlying data model. It allows for automatic synchronisation and updates between the data and the UI, ensuring that any changes in the…

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Databinding in Flutter

Databinding in GetX

Data binding in Flutter refers to the mechanism of establishing a connection between the user interface (UI) and the underlying data model. It allows for automatic synchronization and updates between the data and the UI, ensuring that any changes in the data are reflected in the UI and vice versa. more Example Databinding in GetX…

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local storage in flutter app

How to implement Shared preferences in Flutter?

Flutter Tutorial: Introduction Flutter Why Flutter About Flutter Cross Platform MVVM vs MVC vs MVP Flutter Framework Flutter Benefits Flutter Comparison I Flutter Comparison II Flutter Comparison III Install Flutter Android studio vs VsCode Android Setup VsCode Setup Vs Code Plugins Android Studio Plugins Flutter Widgets: Flutter Basic Templates Flutter Commands Common Widgets Top 10…

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flutter researchthinker

Types of Widgets in Flutter | Stateless vs Stateful widget in flutter

Flutter Tutorial: Introduction Flutter Why Flutter About Flutter Cross Platform MVVM vs MVC vs MVP Flutter Framework Flutter Benefits Flutter Comparison I Flutter Comparison II Flutter Comparison III Install Flutter Android studio vs VsCode Android Setup VsCode Setup Vs Code Plugins Android Studio Plugins Flutter Widgets: Flutter Basic Templates Flutter Commands Common Widgets Top 10…

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getx in flutter

GetX Tutorial | Flutter GetX Tutorial

GetX Tutorial Part I Introduction to GetX GetX is a powerful state management library for Flutter that provides a simple, intuitive, and efficient way to manage state in your Flutter applications. It offers features like reactive programming, dependency injection, routing, and much more. GetX is known for its performance and simplicity, making it a popular…

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custom app bar in flutter

Custom AppBar in Flutter | Scaffold in Flutter Full Tutorial with Example

The Scaffold widget in Flutter is a fundamental building block for implementing Material Design layouts in your app. It provides a basic structure that includes an app bar, body content, floating action buttons, drawers, and more. Here’s an example of using Scaffold in Flutter In this example, we create customize Scaffold by adding additional widgets…

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Flutter vs Android vs Kotlin vs Ionic vs PhoneGap

Flutter, Android, Kotlin, Ionic, PhoneGap, and other mobile app development technologies are all popular choices for building mobile applications. Feature Flutter Android Kotlin Ionic PhoneGap Language/Framework Dart/Flutter Java/Android SDK Kotlin/JVM HTML, CSS, JavaScript/Ionic Framework HTML, CSS, JavaScript/PhoneGap Cross-platform Yes No No Yes Yes Performance High Native performance Similar to Java Moderate Moderate Development Speed Fast…

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Notification listener in flutter? | How to use notification listener

In Flutter, a NotificationListener is a widget that allows you to listen to and respond to notifications dispatched by descendant widgets in the widget tree. It acts as a middleman between the widgets that dispatch notifications (senders) and the widgets that want to receive and handle those notifications (listeners). The NotificationListener widget wraps its child…

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Stateless vs Stateful Widget

When and where do we use stateless and stateful widget in flutter? The decision to use a stateless widget or a stateful widget in Flutter depends on the specific requirements and characteristics of your application. Here are some guidelines to help you determine when and where to use each type of widget: Stateless Widget Stateless…

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