NGINX Features


Nginx Features

Nginx is a powerful web server and reverse proxy server that offers a wide range of features.

1. Nginx handle a large number of concurrent connections efficiently and handle high traffic loads effectively.

2. Nginx distribute incoming requests across multiple backend servers, balancing the load and improving the overall performance and availability of applications.

3. Reverse Proxying improve security, cache static content, and handle SSL/TLS

4. Nginx has a caching capabilities, Caching frequently accessed content reduces the load on backend servers

5. Nginx can handle SSL/TLS encryption and decryption

6. Nginx supports virtual hosting, allowing multiple websites or applications to be hosted on a single server.

7. Nginx provides powerful URL rewriting capabilities, allowing you to rewrite URLs on the fly, modify request headers

8. Nginx support WebSocket

These features make Nginx popular choice in various deployment scenarios.

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