Important commands of Nginx

Popular Nginx commands

Important Nginx Commands

NGINX is a high-performance, open-source, and web server software, known for its versatility and ability to handle a large number of concurrent connections. It can be used as a reverse proxy server, a load balancer, or a web server.

Importance and Benefits:

  1. High Performance: NGINX can handle a large number of concurrent connections, making it an ideal choice for busy websites or applications.
  2. Reverse Proxy: NGINX can act as a reverse proxy server, which routes client requests to backend servers, improving the security and performance of the backend servers.
  3. Load Balancing: NGINX can balance the load between multiple servers, ensuring that traffic is distributed evenly and improving the reliability of the system.
  4. Easy to Use: NGINX has a simple configuration syntax and is easy to set up and manage.
  5. Supports Multiple Protocols: NGINX supports multiple protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, POP3, and SMTP, making it a versatile solution for different types of applications.


  1. Installation: NGINX can be installed on various operating systems, including Linux, BSD, and Windows.
  2. Configuration: NGINX uses a configuration file, usually located in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf, to specify the settings and behavior of the server.
  3. Start/Stop/Reload: To start NGINX, run the command “sudo systemctl start nginx”. To stop NGINX, run the command “sudo systemctl stop nginx”. To reload the configuration, run the command “sudo systemctl reload nginx”.

Important Commands:

  1. nginx -t: Tests the configuration file for errors.
  2. nginx -s reload: Reloads the configuration without interrupting active connections.
  3. nginx -s stop: Stops the NGINX process gracefully.
  4. nginx -s quit: Stops the NGINX process immediately.
  5. nginx -v: Displays the version number of NGINX.

Common Nginx commands

  1. Start Nginx: To start Nginx, run the following command in the terminal:
sudo nginx

This command starts the Nginx service and makes it available to handle incoming requests.

  1. Stop Nginx: To stop Nginx, run the following command in the terminal:
sudo nginx -s stop

This command stops the Nginx service and prevents it from handling incoming requests.

  1. Reload Nginx: To reload Nginx, run the following command in the terminal:
sudo nginx -s reload

This command reloads the Nginx configuration file without stopping the Nginx service. This allows you to make changes to the configuration file and have them take effect without having to restart the Nginx service.

Note: The sudo command is used to run the Nginx commands as the root user, which is necessary for managing the Nginx service. If you don’t have root access, you will need to run the commands as a user with appropriate privileges.

click to know more about Start, Stop, Reload, Kill & Status of Nginx command

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