Package vs Plugin in Flutter | Difference between Package and Plugin in Flutter ?

Flutter tutorial

In Flutter, plugins and packages are both used to add additional functionality to your app, but they serve different purposes:

Note: This is one of the most popular questions asked in a Flutter developer job interview.

1. Flutter Package:

A package in Flutter is a collection of reusable code that developers can share with others. It typically contains Dart code, including libraries, classes, and methods that help in building applications. Packages are purely written in Dart and do not include any platform-specific (native) code.

  • Example: http, provider, shared_preferences, smart_text_widget
  • Use Case: For functionalities like state management, API calls, local storage, etc., that can be achieved using Dart code only.


  • Written in Dart.
  • Cross-platform, meaning it works on both iOS and Android also Web , Desktop etc
  • Used for adding features or utilities that don’t need access to native platform functionalities like camera or GPS.

2. Flutter Plugin:

A plugin is a specific type of package that includes both Dart code and platform-specific code (written in Kotlin/Java for Android, Swift/Objective-C for iOS, etc.). Plugins are used when you need to access native features of the device, such as the camera, sensors, GPS, or other device hardware.

  • Example: url_launcher, firebase_auth, path_provider
  • Use Case: For functionalities that require native platform integration, like accessing the camera, GPS, or file system.


  • Contains platform-specific code (Java/Kotlin for Android, Swift/Objective-C for iOS).
  • Acts as a bridge between Dart code and platform-specific APIs.
  • Required when the app needs access to hardware or system-level features.


  • Package: Dart code only, no native platform interaction.
  • Plugin: Dart code plus platform-specific (native) code to access device hardware or native APIs.

Note: Here native code mean in Kotlin/Java for Android, Swift/Objective-C for iOS, etc.

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