How to resolve package conflict in Flutter?
There are many possibilities of Package conflicts in Flutter that can occur when two or more dependencies have conflicting versions, leading to compatibility issues. Resolving these conflicts is crucial for maintaining a stable and functional Flutter project
Following are the possibilities that can help you to resolve the conflict issue in Flutter project
Identify which packages are causing conflicts
flutter clean
flutter pub get
Review the dependencies listed in your pubspec.yaml
Remove any unnecessary or unused packages from your pubspec.yaml
When two or more packages introduce similar or conflicting class names or identifiers. This is especially common when dealing with packages that provide similar functionality, such as flutter_map and google_maps_flutter which both involve mapping
import 'package:flutter_map/flutter_map.dart' as leaflet;
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart' as google;
// Now you can use leaflet.Map and google.GoogleMap to differentiate
flutter_map is imported with the alias leaflet.
google_maps_flutter is imported with the alias google
Conclusion : This way you can resolve package conflicts. The easiest technique to resolve conflicts is to use the ‘as‘ keyword with libraries. Remaining techniques are also important and can resolve flutter package conflict issues, if you still face then you can comment below with details.