Top 10 Flutter Interview Questions and Answers


Top interview questions related to Flutter development:

Difference between Hot restart and Hot Reload ?

FeatureHot RestartHot Reload
FunctionalityRestarts the entire application from scratchInjects code changes into the running application
StateResets all application statePreserves the current application state
InitializationGoes through the complete initialization processSkips the initialization process

What is Flutter, and how does it differ from native app development frameworks?

Flutter is an open-source framework and build cross-platform applications, due to cross-platform features it is different and better than native app framework, which means writing once can create multiple types of platform applications (mobile, web, desktop).

Explain the difference between StatelessWidget and StatefulWidget.

Explain the role of the BuildContext in Flutter.

How does Flutter handle platform-specific code, and what is the purpose of the ‘platform channels’?

What is the purpose of the pubspec.yaml file in a Flutter project?

Explain the concept of ‘State Management’ in Flutter.

What are Keys in Flutter, and why are they important?

How can you navigate between screens in Flutter?

Explain the significance of the main() function in a Flutter app.

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