10 Tips to make your flutter website better

flutter web development tutorial

Tips that make your Flutter website better and premium

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Responsive Design:

Make sure that your Flutter web app is responsive for all browsers and tablets, otherwise various problems like SEO issues, mobile and tablet user traffic will decrease on website in the future. To check whether Flutter website is responsive or not, you can read this article

Optimized Images:

Use compressed or SVG type images for your Flutter website, this will reduce loading time and also increase visibility on Google search engine, how to use SVG type images in Flutter you can read this article


Navigation/Routing plays a major role in Flutter website development, so be careful and use proper navigation name, this will help in routing and managing the pages, we generally prefer GetX which has many inbuilt features



It is very important to follow best practices for Flutter web development security and use standard packages that convert your data into encrypted format and store sensitive information very securely, which affects that there will be no vulnerabilities in the application.

SEO Friendly:

Ensure that your Flutter web app is search engine friendly by providing appropriate metadata. Use semantic HTML tags for better SEO.

Optimized Colors/Fonts:

Use optimize technquies so that colors of theme, pages and fonts can easily change, to ensure consistency across different platforms.

Cross-browser Compatibility:

Proper Test your Flutter web app on different browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility.

Caching and Offline Support:

Implement caching trchnique to reduce server requests and add offline support where applicable.


Integrate analytics to track user behavior and identify areas for improvement.


Normally the data will be destroyed when the user refreshes the page in the browser. To deal with this problem, cookies are also managed smoothly and there is no blockage while refreshing web pages.

These are some tips for Flutter web development, we will add more in the coming days

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