20 Best plugins for Android studio | Android studio plugins for Flutter | Best plugins for flutter in Android Studio
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Best 20 plugins in Android Studio for Flutter code:
If you have no idea how to add Plugin in Android Studio, then click here to read How to add plugin in Android Studio, In android studio Flutter and Dart plugins are compulsory to run a Flutter project.
- Flutter: The official Flutter plugin from the Flutter team, which provides an enhanced development experience for Flutter projects.[How to add plugin in Android Studio] [Required]
- Dart: A Dart plugin for Android Studio, which provides Dart-specific features such as code completion, debugging, and syntax highlighting.[How to add plugin in Android Studio][Required]
- Flutter IntelliJ: A comprehensive set of features for Flutter development, including code completion, refactoring, debugging, and more.
- Flutter Template: A plugin that makes it easy to launch Flutter apps from Android Studio and help you add Live Templates to your IDE saving time writing the boilerplate in Flutter [ please check compatibility before install]
- Flutter Snippets: A collection of useful Flutter code snippets and templates, organized by category.
- Flutter Toolkit: A plugin that provides a visual layout editor for Flutter projects & enhance and streamline your daily Flutter development workflow.
- Flutter Profiler: A performance profiler for Flutter apps, which helps you identify performance bottlenecks and optimize your code.
- Flutter Storm: A tool for exploring the various built-in widgets in Flutter and seeing how they can be used in different ways and debug Flutter iOS, Android and web applications right in the IDE using the built-in debugger
- Flutter Pub Version Checker: This IntelliJ plugin inspects your pubspec.yaml file
- FlutterJsonToDart: The plugin can help you generate dart model needed for json_serializable from a JSON data and add json_serializable dependencies and run the flutter pub run build_runner build -delete-conflicting-outputs command.
- Flutter Enhancement Suite: The essential plugin for making working with Flutter easier than ever! Easy-to-use tools for managing your pubspec.yaml, snippets & more
- Flutter App Template Generator: A tool for automatically generating Flutter UIs based on data.
- FlutterAssetAutoCompletior: Automatically help you complete the path of assets when you type a Dart string
- Rainbow Eliminate context switching and costly distractions. Create and merge PRs and perform code reviews and many more [ Good for Formating ]
- Gradle Plugin Support : create and develop standard plugin
- Machine learning Code Completion Tabnine is an AI code assistant that makes you a better developer. Tabnine will increase your development velocity with real-time code completions in all the most popular coding languages and IDEs. [It saves developer time while writing code ]
- New Relic CodeStream New Relic CodeStream is a developer collaboration platform that integrates all of your essential dev tools into your IDE. Eliminate context-switching and simplify code discussion and code review by putting collaboration tools in your IDE.
- EditorConfig Define code style settings using EditorConfig files Use coding assistance in EditorConfig files
- Mercurial Dedicated page under the Version Control node in the Settings/Preferences dialog & many more [ this one is not required for all developer ]
- Subversion Provides integration with Subversion VCS.
These plugins can help you write Flutter code more efficiently and by providing useful features and tools that streamline the development process and improve your productivity. They are also well-maintained and regularly updated by their respective developers, so you can be confident that they will continue to work seamlessly with the latest version of Android Studio. If youu are using VSCode you can read below links
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