Flutter Tutorial
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Flutter Widgets:
Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter
Auto Close Keyboard in Flutter
Screen size handling in Flutter
Flutter REST API
Flutter Advance
Wrap vs Builder vs OverBarFlow
Circular progress contain Icon
Flutter State management Comparison
Flutter Database
Flutter Token Expired Handling
Flutter Provider
Flutter GetX
Flutter with Native
Flutter Tips
Interview Questions
White screen in release app
While developing flutter app we have used many packages in flutter application, in some we also add native code and mostly we use images and network connectivity status, all of them are working together in your app.
To analyse actual cause of white screen follow these possible causes
Analyze main.dart file code
Most of time main dart file code stuck due to some additional code added in runApp(), so review it properly in debug mode
Check newly added packages version
Sometimes newly added packages are not working smoothly due to instability with other packages in your code.
Run the app in debug mode and review the code error in the terminal
Most of time App run smoothly in emulator and we skip tiny issues, try to resolve it.
Check for Memory Issues
Check memory leaks, excessive memory usage, or inefficient code, these things sometime not visible in debug mode,try to analyze
Review Native Code
If you are using native code then review it properly
Check Network and Permissions
Sometime network connectivity and API validations, stuck the code , so review the API behaviour if internet is not working,or API response
Flutter Version Compatibility
Sometimes Flutter is not compatible with framework packages so please review it if you change Flutter SDK version
These are some points which may solve app issues