Flutter Tutorial:
Flutter Widgets:
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Commonly used Flutter widgets in Applications:
- Text: Displays a styled text on the screen.
- Container: A rectangular visual element that can contain other widgets.
- Image: Displays an image from various sources.
- RaisedButton: A raised button widget.
- FlatButton: A flat button widget.
- IconButton: A button widget with an icon.
- TextField: Allows user input of text.
- Checkbox: A widget for a checkbox input.
- Radio: A widget for a radio button input.
- Switch: A widget for a switch input.
- DropdownButton: A dropdown button widget.
- ListView: A scrollable list of widgets.
- GridView: A scrollable grid of widgets.
- Card: Represents a material design card.
- AppBar: Creates a material design app bar.
- BottomNavigationBar: A widget for a bottom navigation bar.
- TabBar: A widget for a tab bar.
- Drawer: Creates a material design drawer.
- SnackBar: A lightweight message with an optional action.
- AlertDialog: A dialog with customizable content.
- PageRouteBuilder: A builder for route transitions.
- Spacer: A widget that takes up space within a flex container.
- AspectRatio: A widget that attempts to size itself to a specified aspect ratio.
- Hero: An animated transition between two routes.
- Positioned: A widget that controls where a child is positioned.
- Opacity: A widget that makes its child partially transparent.
- ClipRRect: Clips its child using a rounded rectangle.
- AnimatedContainer: A container that animates its properties when they change.
- IndexedStack: A stack of widgets that shows only one at a time based on an index.
- Spacer: A widget that takes up space within a flex container.