How to check flutter Website Pages are Responsive or not in the 5min ?
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There are many tools available on Google to check whether a website is responsive or not. The fast and easiest way to check the responsiveness of a Flutter website is through the browser, here are the following steps through which you can check the responsiveness of your Flutter website at any time in any operating system.
Here we are taking example of Google page, similarly you can check your Flutter website
Step1: Right click and select inspect, after selecting inspect open the web page on the right side or lower console
Step 2: Once Console of Web page open select the “device Tool bar”
Step 3: Once you click on the device tool bar, the screen given below will open, where you can select any standard dimension or add any dimension, then you can surf and navigate to any page, and check if a widget is responsive or not. You can use the console to identify bugs in your Flutter website.
This is one of the way through which you can check flutter website pages are responsive or not