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Flutter Tutorial:



Why Flutter

About Flutter

Cross Platform


Flutter Framework

Flutter Benefits

Flutter Comparison I

Flutter Comparison II

Flutter Comparison III

Install Flutter

Android studio vs VsCode

Android Setup

VsCode Setup

Vs Code Plugins

Android Studio Plugins

Flutter Widgets:

Flutter Basic Templates

Flutter Commands

Common Widgets

Top 10 popular widgets

Flutter Stateless vs Stateful

Type of Widgets

Flutter Text

Flutter Text Style

Textfield vs TextFormField

Flutter Scaffold

Flutter Container & SizedBox

Flutter Row & Column

Flutter Buttons

Flutter Stack

Flutter Forms

Flutter AlertDialog

Flutter Icons

Flutter Images

Flutter Drawer

Flutter ListView

Flutter GridView

Flutter Toast

Flutter Checkbox

Flutter Radio Button

Flutter Progress Bar

Flutter Tooltip

Flutter Slider

Flutter Table

Flutter SnackBar

Shimmer in Flutter

Bottom Navigation Bar

Flutter Gesture

Flutter Error Handling

Flutter DropDown

Flutter Toggle

Flutter Auto Close Keyboard

Flutter Screen Size

Flutter Advance

Custom Widget in Flutter

Flutter Navigator

Flutter Read Json

Flutter Generate Excel

Flutter Multiple Widgets

Flutter Bottom sheet

Flutter Copy to Clipboard

Flutter Tab bar

Flutter Code Editor

Flutter youtube Player

Flutter REST API

Flutter http

Flutter dio

dio vs http

Advanced Concepts

Tips Flutter App Development

Flutter App version Update

Flutter Copy Text in App

Flutter Handle Null Value

Flutter Splash Screen

Flutter Disposable

Notification Listener

Flutter Switch Cases

Flutter Slivers

Flutter Custom Appbar

Databinding in Flutter

Flutter Cards

Wrap vs Builder vs OverBarFlow

Flutter App Upgrade

GoogleMap vs FlutterMap

Circular progress conatin Icon

DropDown Timer in Flutter

Flutter State management Comparison

Flutter vs Other Framework

Flutter Mixin

Flutter Database

Flutter Database

Suitable DB for Flutter

DBs for Flutter

Backend for flutter


Flutter Token Expired Handling

Flutter Provider

Flutter Provider Tutorial

Flutter GetX

Flutter GetX tutorial

Flutter with Native

Flutter FFI

Flutter Testing

Pass values in Flutter


Flutter Tips:

Best Practices

Reduce Flutter Screens

Tips to make app smart

Optimize App

Handle Multiple Pages

Interview Questions

Top 10 Interview Questions

Dart Interview Questions

Flutter 100 Interview Questions

Flutter 20 Interview Questions

Provider Interview Questions

GetX interview Questions

BLoC interview Questions

Install Flutter

Setting up Flutter involves a few steps, including installing Flutter and Dart, configuring your development environment, and verifying the installation. Below are the general steps for setting up Flutter on your system.

Step1: System Requirements:

Ensure that your system meets the [system requirements]( for Flutter.

Download link of Flutter

Step 2: Download and Extract Flutter:

Download link of Flutter

Visit the [Flutter website]( and download the stable release for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).

Extract the downloaded archive to a location on your machine.

Step 3: Add Flutter to PATH:

To run Flutter commands from the console, you need to add the Flutter bin directory to your system’s PATH.



       – Open your shell profile file (e.g., `.bashrc`, `.zshrc`, or `.bash_profile`) using a text editor.

       – Add the following line at the end of the file:

    export PATH="$PATH:`<path_to_flutter_directory>`/flutter/bin"

       – Save and close the file.

       – Run `source .bashrc` (or the appropriate file for your shell) to apply the changes.



       – Open the System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables.

       – Add a new entry in the “Path” variable with the path to the `flutter\bin` directory.

       – Click “OK” to apply the changes.

Step 4: Install Dart SDK:

Flutter requires the Dart SDK. Download the Dart SDK from the [Dart SDK page]( and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

Step 5: Verify Installation:

Open a new terminal or command prompt and run the following commands to verify the Flutter installation:

 flutter --version
 flutter doctor

 The `flutter doctor` command checks your environment and reports any issues. Follow the recommendations provided to resolve any problems.

Step 6: Install a Code Editor:

    – Choose a code editor for Flutter development. Popular choices include:

     – [Visual Studio Code]( with the Flutter and Dart extensions.

     – [Android Studio]( with the Flutter plugin.

Step 7 Create a Flutter Project:

Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you want to create your Flutter project.

Run the following command to create a new Flutter project:

flutter create my_flutter_app
cd my_flutter_app

Step 8 Run the App:

Connect a device or start an emulator.

Run the following command to launch your Flutter app:

     flutter run

Congratulations! You have successfully set up Flutter on your machine. This basic setup allows you to start building Flutter applications. Incase you face any issue please comment below will reply asap

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