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Every organization uses these patterns to build software applications. The goal of this structure is to reduce complexity while developing applications and all modules operate smoothly. When discussing architectural patterns like MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), MVC (Model-View-Controller), or MVP (Model-View-Presenter) in the context of Flutter applications, the primary goal is to develop a structured and maintainable code.

These patterns help to organize code in well manner and easily scalable, that’s why these patterns are fruitful in Flutter applications:

Model View ViewModelModel View ControllerModel View Presenter
Model: Represents data and business logic.

View: Represents UI elements and displays data.

ViewModel: Manages the presentation logic and interacts with the Model and View.
Model: Represents data and business logic.

View: Represents UI elements and displays data.

Controller: Manages user input, updates the Model, and updates the View.
Model: Represents data and business logic.

View: Represents UI elements and displays data.

Presenter: Manages the presentation logic, interacts with the Model and View.
Strong two-way data binding between View and ViewModel. Typically one-way data binding from Model to View.Typically one-way data binding from Model to View.
High. ViewModel can be easily tested in isolation.Moderate. Controller and Model can be tested, but the View and their connections are more challenging to isolate.High. Presenter can be easily tested in isolation.
Increasing popularity, especially in modern frontend development.Widely adopted. Used in many traditional desktop and web applications.Adopted in various frameworks and tools, less common than MVC.
Used for Medium & Large projects

Easy to do testing
Used for small scale projects

Limited testing
Used for medium & complex project

Easy to do testing

There is no fixed rule that a Flutter application uses only MVC or any other, it completely depends on the complexity of the application, data flow of the application, modules of the application and many other factors.

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