What is Flutter ?


Flutter Tutorial:


About Flutter

Cross Platform


Flutter Framework

Flutter Benefits

Flutter Comparison I

Flutter Comparison II

Flutter Comparison III

Install Flutter

Android studio vs VsCode

Android Setup

VsCode Setup

Vs Code Plugins

Android Studio Plugins

Flutter Widgets:

Flutter Basic Templates

Flutter Commands

Top 10 popular widgets

Flutter Stateless vs Stateful

Type of Widgets

Flutter Text

Flutter Text Style

Textfield vs TextFormField

Flutter Scaffold

Flutter Container & SizedBox

Flutter Row & Column

Flutter Buttons

Flutter Stack

Flutter Forms

Flutter AlertDialog

Flutter Icons

Flutter Images

Flutter Drawer

Flutter ListView

Flutter GridView

Flutter Toast

Flutter Checkbox

Flutter Radio Button

Flutter Progress Bar

Flutter Tooltip

Flutter Slider

Flutter Table

Flutter SnackBar

Shimmer in Flutter

Bottom Navigation Bar

Flutter Gesture

Flutter Error Handling

Flutter DropDown

Flutter Toggle

Flutter Auto Close Keyboard

Flutter Screen Size

Flutter Advance

Custom Widget in Flutter

Flutter Navigator

Read Json in Flutter

Generate Excel in Flutter

Multiple Widgets in Flutter

Bottom sheet in Flutter

Copy to Clipboard in Flutter

Tab bar in Flutter

Code Editor in Flutter

Youtube Player in Flutter

Flutter REST API

Flutter http

Flutter dio

dio vs http

Advanced Concepts

Tips Flutter App Development

Flutter App version Update

Flutter Copy Text in App

Flutter Handle Null Value

Flutter Splash Screen

Flutter Disposable

Notification Listener

Flutter Switch Cases

Flutter Slivers

Flutter Custom App bar

Databinding in Flutter

Flutter Cards

Wrap vs Builder vs OverBarFlow

Flutter App Upgrade

GoogleMap vs FlutterMap

Circular progress contain Icon

DropDown Timer in Flutter

Flutter State management Comparison

Flutter vs Other Framework

Flutter Mixin

Flutter Database

Flutter Database

Suitable DB for Flutter

DBs for Flutter

Backend for flutter


Flutter Token Expired Handling

Flutter Provider

Flutter Provider Tutorial

Flutter GetX

Flutter GetX tutorial

Flutter with Native

Flutter FFI

Flutter Testing

Pass values in Flutter


Flutter Tips:

Best Practices

Reduce Flutter Screens

Tips to make app smart

Optimize App

Handle Multiple Pages

Interview Questions

Top 10 Interview Questions

Dart Interview Questions

Flutter 100 Interview Questions

Flutter 20 Interview Questions

Provider Interview Questions

GetX interview Questions

BLoC interview Questions

Flutter Features

Flutter is an open-source UI (User Interface) toolkit developed by Google. It allows developers to build native-looking cross-platform applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which is also developed by Google.

Key features of Flutter include:

  1. Cross-platform development: Flutter allows developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms like iOS, Android, web, and desktop(Window/ Linux). This saves development time and effort.
  2. Fast development and Hot Reload: Flutter provides a hot reload feature that allows developers to see the changes made in the code almost instantly, without restarting the application. This speeds up the development process and helps in rapid iteration. IN Few seconds it reload whole application
  3. Rich set of pre-designed widgets: Flutter comes with an extensive collection of customizable and reusable widgets that help in building beautiful and responsive user interfaces. These widgets enable developers to create native-like experiences on multiple platforms.
  4. Expressive and declarative UI: With Flutter, developers can build UIs using a declarative approach. They can describe the desired user interface using a widget tree, making it easier to understand and maintain the UI code.
  5. High-performance applications: Flutter apps are known for their high performance and smooth animations. Flutter’s architecture eliminates the need for a JavaScript bridge, resulting in faster execution and reduced performance overhead.
  6. Access to native features: Flutter provides access to a wide range of native device features and APIs through platform-specific integrations. This allows developers to leverage device-specific capabilities like camera, sensors, location, and more.
  7. Strong community and ecosystem: Flutter has a growing community of developers, which means there is a wealth of resources, libraries, and packages available to help developers build and enhance their applications.
  8.  Growing Popularity: Industry Adoption, Flutter has gained significant traction in the industry, with an increasing number of companies adopting it for app development. This growing popularity indicates that Flutter is becoming a preferred choice for many developers and organizations.
  9. Responsive Design: Flutter supports building adaptive UIs that work seamlessly on different screen sizes and orientations. This is essential for creating apps that provide a consistent user experience across various devices.
  10. Dart Programming Language-Easy to Learn, Flutter uses Dart as its programming language. Dart is known for its simplicity and ease of learning, making it accessible to developers with various programming backgrounds.

Overall, Flutter offers a powerful and efficient way to develop cross-platform applications with a native look and feel, enabling developers to create high-quality user experiences across different platforms.

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