How to fix when Flutter package is not working ?
Flutter Tutorial:
Flutter Widgets:
Flutter Advance
Flutter REST API
Advanced Concepts
Wrap vs Builder vs OverBarFlow
Circular progress conatin Icon
Flutter State management Comparison
Flutter Database
Flutter Token Expired Handling
Flutter Provider
Flutter GetX
Flutter with Native
Flutter Tips:
Interview Questions
Flutter 100 Interview Questions
Step 1: First clean the flutter application in android or iOS
flutter clean cache
flutter clean
Step2 : Now Run pub get
flutter pub get
pod install #for iOS
Step 3: Find the exact path of file where issue occurred [ you will get path in the terminal when you run the project ], copy the path and find by step 4 commands:
../../../.pub-cache/hosted/ 1.0.4/lib/widgets/hashtag_text_field.dart:88:35:
Step 4: Enter Ctrl +Shift+ F in window | Cmd +Shift
+ Enter in Mac
Here in the below image i search rxdart similarly you will search hashtag and select Scope or Directory then you will get result
Search >>> "hashtag_text_field". in Directory or
Import File
Search >>> "hashtager". in Directory
any related keyword of file path
Step 5: Once you reached the exact library location then search TapUpDetails
Step 6: Replace TapUpDetails with TapDragUpDetails.
Step 7: Now, you can make build android / iOS
Note: If you clean Flutter application you need to follow these steps again