Who developed the flutter framework?


Flutter Tutorial:



Cross Platform


Flutter Framework

Flutter Benefits

Flutter Comparison

Install Flutter in Win/Linux/Mac

Android Studio vs VsCode

Android Setup

VS Code Setup

VS Code Plugins

Android Studio Plugins

Flutter Widgets:

Flutter Basic Template

Flutter Commands

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Flutter Stateless vs Stateful

Type of Widgets

Flutter Text widget

Flutter Text style

Textfield vs TextFormField

Flutter Scaffold

Flutter Container & SizedBox

Flutter Row & Column

Flutter Buttons

Flutter Stack

Flutter Forms

Flutter AlertDialog

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Flutter Images

Flutter Drawer

Flutter ListView

Flutter GridView

Flutter Toast

Flutter Checkbox

Flutter Radio Button

Flutter Progress Bar

Flutter Tooltip

Flutter Slider

Flutter Table

Flutter SnackBar

Shimmer in Flutter

Bottom Navigation Bar in Flutter

Gesture Detector in Flutter

Error Handling in Flutter

DropDown in Flutter

Flutter Toggle

Auto Close Keyboard in Flutter

Screen size handling in Flutter

Flutter REST API

Flutter http

Flutter dio

dio vs http

Flutter Advance

Custom widget in Flutter

Flutter Navigator

Read Json in Flutter

Generate Excel in Flutter

Multiple Widgets in Flutter

Bottom sheet in Flutter

Copy to Clipboard in Flutter

Tab bar in Flutter

Code Editor in Flutter

Youtube Player in Flutter

Flutter App Development Tips

Flutter App version Update

Flutter Copy Text in App

Flutter Handle Null Value

Flutter Splash Screen

Flutter Disposable

Notification Listener

Flutter Switch Cases

Flutter Slivers

Flutter Custom App bar

Databinding in Flutter

Flutter Cards

Wrap vs Builder vs OverBarFlow

Flutter App Upgrade

GoogleMap vs FlutterMap

Circular progress contain Icon

DropDown Timer in Flutter

Flutter State management Comparison

Flutter vs Other Framework

Flutter Mixin

Passing values in Dart Files

WorkManager in Flutter

Flutter Database

Flutter Store Data

Suitable DB for Flutter

Backend for Flutter

SharedPreferences in Flutter

Flutter Token Expired Handling

Flutter Provider

Flutter Provider Tutorial

Flutter GetX

Flutter GetX tutorial

Flutter with Native

Flutter FFI

Flutter Testing

Flutter Tips

Best Practices

Reduce Flutter Screens

Tips to make app smart

Optimize App

Handle Multiple Pages

Interview Questions

Flutter 100 Interview Questions

Provider Interview Questions

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BLoC Interview Questions

Flutter Developed by Google

Flutter was first introduced by Google at the Dart developer summit in October 2015 under the name “Sky”. It was initially developed as an experimental project within Google’s Chrome team. The goal was to create a framework that could enable the development of high-performance, cross-platform mobile applications with a focus on beautiful and consistent user interfaces.

The project evolved and eventually came to be known as “Flutter” in February 2018 when the first stable release of Flutter, version 1.0, was launched. Flutter’s stable release marked its readiness for production use and signalled its official entry into the developer community.

Since its release, Flutter has gained significant traction and popularity among developers due to its unique features and capabilities. Google actively maintains and supports Flutter, emphasising its commitment to the framework’s growth and development.

Here are some key milestones and releases in the history of Flutter start from

  • October 2015: Flutter project, initially called “Sky“, is introduced at the Dart developer summit.
  • May 2017: The first alpha version of Flutter is released, enabling developers to experiment with the framework and provide feedback.
  • Flutter 1.0 (February 2018), the first stable release, is launched, indicating its readiness for production use.
  • Flutter 2.0 (March 2021), is released, a significant milestone that brings major enhancements, including support for web development, improved performance, and a focus on enabling desktop application development.
  • Flutter 3.0(May 2022), Flutter 3 supports the Apple Silicon Mac, upgrade in crashnalytic, google ttol kit, overall performance improved.
  • Flutter 3.X are consistently updated by Google and side by side Dart 3.X also for more details

The history of Flutter showcases its evolution from an experimental project to a mature and widely adopted framework for cross-platform app development.

Google’s continued investment and updates demonstrate its commitment to the growth and improvement of Flutter

Flutter Application run on all Platform






Any 64bit Hardware like Raspberry Pi (64bit)

Through Flutter there are number of Applications developed the Top 10 Apps Built Using Flutter in 2023 are developed by Big Companies, and According to a 2021 developer survey. Based on the survey, 42 percent of software developers used Flutter.

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